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National Education Policy: Early Childhood Care & Education
The National Education Policy (NEP) has laid importance on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) with a 2030 target.
CBSE Affiliation: Verifying affiliation status
What is the process of verifying CBSE affiliation status of a school? The question is answered in CBSE circular No 11/2021 dated 13.07.2021.
Setting up a preschool: Approach and philosophies
Setting up a preschool is not just about creating a building and building a brand, it is also about the approach and philosophy offered by the preschool
How to start a new school | Start a school in India
To start a new school, there are several steps that need to be followed. There are laws to be considered, investments to be planned, and decisions to be made. In this post, we will try to summarise the steps.
How to get CBSE affiliation
We receive many enquiries about how to get CBSE affiliation. This post is too clear the process of getting CBSE affiliation.
Create a preschool that delivers what parents want
Creating a preschool that delivers what parents want is not easy. A lot of research and planning needs to go into each school project and that is what Newton provides.
Planning CCTV for schools
When a new school is being constructed or an existing school is being renovated, a question that we often face is about planning the CCTV system for the school.
The PreSchools Opportunity
The preschools opportunity, post pandemic, is large and needs to be explored.After the lockdown, working parents will need good preschools.
Premium Pre-Schools: Need and Design
Premium pre-schools – the infrastructure is owned and a higher investment is made in design, interiors, facilities planning and overall delivery of services.
Setting up a new school?
Are you creating a new school in India? Do you have land on which you plan to set up a new school?, This post will help save investments and also ensure that you create a school that will be successful.
School Consultants in India
Are school consultants in India necessary for school projects? What is the role of a school consultancy in India? Let’s explore various scenarios in which school consultants can add value.
Furniture for today’s classroom
Today’s learning environments are evolving to keep up with the changing environment and technological advancements. All the new-age schools require classrooms that foster collaboration and creativity among learners.
Canteen Conversations: Acoustic Solutions for Schools
Students often look forward to their break-time in school because of various reasons. Firstly, as they can meet their friends across various grades and chat over their favorite cartoon/movie episodes and also fill their tummies with some amazing food. Break time also acts like beating the monotony for them. As they are other times much […]
How to make social distancing work in schools?
We all are waiting for the schools to reopen. It has not only been tough for learners but also for the teachers to conduct classes online during this pandemic. We are still a long way off from the normalcy of pre covid times. We have to make it our way of life. Shared below are […]
Ensuring safety and security in schools
How can schools ensure safety and security in schools? Safety and security are very crucial for schools. It is not only important for the students but also for the teachers, parents, and other members of the school. It is the responsibility of schools to ensure that students are provided with a safe and welcoming environment. […]
Schools in a Post Covid19 World
What will schools look like post Covd19? The Covid19 crisis has come upon us quite suddenly and most feel ill equipped to deal with it. Fortunately over the last few years work from home as a concept has gained a lot of traction.
Importance of Good Acoustics in Schools
Good Acoustics in Schools reduces Noise, which is a great cost in terms of education. Acoustically treated classrooms are more beneficial.
21st Century Classroom Furniture
While setting up a new school not enough effort is devoted to the selection of appropriate furniture. One suited to design & function. In a traditional school, it consists of a standard set of desks in a limited set of sizes. Progressive investors, who value open classrooms, understand the value of planned furniture. The lack […]
What should you expect from a school feasibility report?
We advise clients to conduct a feasibility study when they approach us for support to set up a school. At a high level, it is a decision enabler that builds an understanding of the viability of the project, the challenges, the likely outcomes and alternatives to undertaking that particular project. Such findings can be intuitive but when backed […]
When to undertake a school feasibility study
When you have identified land for a school, it is a good idea to conduct a feasibility study. Setting up a school entails significant investments, if these decisions can be informed with professional advice, they should be taken up. As in any business, the school project report investigates the viability of a prospective school venture […]
Designing active play areas in schools
Across the world, physical activity among children is decreasing. Indian cities in particular do not promote active lifestyles because of the high population density, infrastructure limitations, pollution and the climate. Physical activity is an important contributor to the health of a community. In fact, physical inactivity is identified by the WHO as the fourth leading [...]
Brand Promise of a School
“Chalkboards and good teachers are all that one needs”, is no longer a winning argument. In this article, school consultants Newton Schools argue that brands offer a promise and schools that associate with brands automatically offer a kind of promise too. What makes a school special? What is innovative in a school? Is it worthwhile [...]
IB PYP, should a school take it up?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) was created to “develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect”. It is a progressive education framework with international education credentials which have earned global recognition within some of the most respected academic institutions around the world. With this [...]
CBSE and change
Change is an inevitability. Continually recognizing it and adapting to it is a key to success. Across the world visionaries experiment with novel methods to deal with change and are closely observed for applications in other areas. Changes to our economies, livelihood and social existence also has implications for education of our children. Childhood education […]
Composition & Role of School Management Committee: 2018 CBSE Affiliation Byelaws
One major change in the new CBSE Affiliation Byelaws 2018 is in the composition and role of the School Management Committee. In the earlier byelaws, it was mandatory to form a school management committee for all non-government schools only. The requirement was as per the CBSE byelaws only and the defined powers and functions of […]
CBSE Affiliation for Innovative Schools
In a big surprise, the new CBSE Affiliation Byelaws 2018 has a cryptic provision for granting affiliation to innovative schools, as a special category. Section 2.6 of the byelaws has the provisions for granting affiliation to this category of schools. The rest of the document does not mention innovative schools at all. Newton Schools, as […]
CBSE Affiliation Byelaws 2018 – Land & Capacity Requirements
In the new CBSE Affiliation Byelaws released on 18 Oct 2018, there are some changes in the land requirements for setting up an affiliated school in India. Chapter 3 of the Byelaws defines the land requirements.
New CBSE Affiliation Byelaws 2018
CBSE has revamped the affiliation byelaws on 18 Oct 2018. The original document can be downloaded here. We are reviewing it in detail and shall share our analysis and interpretations here and on our Twitter account. Follow us for more.
The future of school education
Artificial intelligence, machine learning and the Internet of Things just some of the terms that are in the news everyday, with either a new discovery or a new application in commerce. Climate change, global warming, pollution, limited resources on earth the other set of headlines that dominate news. These are driving change out of necessity […]
Creating Innovative Schools
Private schools in India have mushroomed over time, there are too many of them in some cities. We are seeing a scenario where parents have a choice and are now bargaining for better deals in newly launched private schools across most towns and cities. A school in Gurgaon recently shut down – it was barely […]