For schools to inculcate the change strategy, we need to do an analysis of where the gap is exactly. Gap analysis for schools is a common element of the change strategy. It is used to determine the needs and identification of problems before building a plan. Our team identifies specific problems or issues to address in the context of the current scenario. This way we can identify the gap between where a school is now and where it wants to be.
Gap analysis could focus on any aspect of school improvement. The basic procedure is to:
- Identification of where the team wants to improvise, what is their goal or target for performance (in future)
- Identification of where the school is currently positioned (current scenario)
- Identification of the gap that needs to be covered by asking existing schools how far and how fast do they need to go to achieve our goal (The Gap)
This requires an investment of time and effort of the school management with us to clearly identify solutions for the school.